This is by far the best local picture I have seen in years.
I am glad former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has decided to put aside his differences with Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and promised to return to Umno.
I don't think any Malaysian, irrespective of his or her political affiliation, will deny that Dr Mahathir is a great Statesman. His wisdom and advice is sought after not only by leaders of the developed world but also those of the developed world like former Prime Minister of Britain Margaret Thatcher (now Baronness).
Umno needs the experience of Dr Mahathir and Abdullah. Both have seen Umno at its best and its worst.
Umno has no time to waste. Past and present Umno leaders must put their shoulders to the wheel and ensure that Barisan Nasional will be given overwhelming support by the rakyat in the 13th General Election which has to be held by 2013. Differences must be thrashed out within closed doors.
Past leaders must remain in the background. They must not be seen to be interfering with the functions of the Government. They must give in-coming Prime Minister Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak a free hand to run the Government.
Now that Dr Mahathir and Abdullah have agreed to help Umno to return to its past glory, I am confident that Barisan Nasional will once again become a force to be reckoned with.
I am confident that the Brisan Nasional led by Najib will be given a landslide victory in the next general election, similar to the one in 2004, hardly a year after Abdullah took office.
To begin with, I hope both Dr Mahathir and Abdullah will help BN campaign in the Batang Ai, Selambau and Bukit Gantang by-election on April 7.
A win in all the three elections will send a strong signal to Pakatan Rakyat that Umno has been reborn, and is now stronger than ever before.
Nak diterima balik boleh dengan syarat
-Ali Rustam yg didapati bersalah di lucutkan jawatan Ketua Menteri dan keahlian. Hadapkan ke MACC
-Khairy juga bersalah perlu dilucutkan dan gantung ahli hadap juga MACC
-Ahli MT yg menang yg kita tahu cara pemikirannya yg bergelumang dengan rasuah perlu disiasat dan disingkirkan.
Kalau tidak walhasil balik asal dan tunggu hari pembalasan.
The monster Dr Franken'mak' is a statesman??? You must be joking!!!! I don't even call him "Melayu"!
During Tun Dr Mahatir tenure as the Prime Minister he has done many great things like..
1.IJN ( today Malaysian with heart problem have increased and irrespective of religion,race,color of skin are taken care.)
2.KLIA ( one of the finest airport in the world that is even ready to receive A380 before the plane is ready)
3.LRT and Monoril: Thousands of malaysian and tourist travel with ease now.
4.KLCC- one of the tallest building in the world.
All the gifts Tun received during his tenure as the Prime Minister,he have given to a museum.
From this we can see that he loves the nation more than anything.
UMNO can be great party again when their members change their motto
to ( We serve not to be served)
You spoke too soon man.
Time to catch up bro. Has KJ gone campaigning for the by-elections yet?
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