I've heard from some friends that our Astronaut, Dato' Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha is now demanding RM8,000 an hour to speak at public functions, even at primary and secondary schools. And that excludes hotel and flight charges.
If this is true, then I think the practice must stop. RM8,000 to speak for just an hour or as an "appearance fee" is exorbitant. It is unethical, inmoral almost. How is a primary school going to cough up RM8,000?
I was told that Faiz Khaleed, the reserve astronaut who did not even leave the earth's orbit is also charging a similar fee.
Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, I was told, earns a salary from the Government, being an employee of Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). Furthermore, his outer space adventure was funded by the Malaysian public, including me. He shouldn't be commercialising his public-funded stardom and make more money for himself. If he continues to do that, he will soon lose his "hero" reputation and will be despised by the public.
I am sure my friend Dato' Seri Dr Jamaludin Jarjis who as the Minister of MOSTI worked very hard to make the astronaut programme a success and to put Malaysia in the history books, would "jump" if he hears about this.
Cerita betul. Tanyalah Akademi Integriti Malaysia. Sheikh minta RM10,000 nak bagi satu ucapan.
Ini kes lupa daratan namanya.
Agak-agak la mengapa si pak sheikh ni suka lepak kat rebung, bangsar?
aku tak berapa kisah tentang sheikh muszaphar ni, yang aku meluat dan nak muntah hijau hari ni, baca tulisan hishamuddin aun dlm berita minggu.
dulu mengutuk-ngutuk ds najib tun razak bagai nak rak, hari ni bodek tahap gaban...dasar muka tak tahu malu!!!!!
Itulah orang Mealayu dengkin dengan bangsa sendiri. Tak ahbis cemburu dengan kejayaan orang lain. Manalah orang nak maju, bila seorang Melayu mencapai kejayaan sedikit sudah dikutuk. IniLah dikatakan 'Melayu Ketam' orang saperti Asraf ini pantang lihat orang berjaya terus cemburu.
he denies it like crazy, but i heard it from reliable sources. his trip to outer space was paid for by the malaysian people, but true to his greedy self, schools have to pay to hear him brag about his trip. This is no patriot at all, but a true mercenary. Shame...
Zul Sri Hartamas
dia lepak kat Rebung sebab dia ada share dalam restoran tu.
Sdra Sarawak National Party - Ini bukan soal Melayu dengki dengan bangsa sendiri. Ini soal kekeciwaan dengan tabiat individu cemerlang bangsa melayu yang boleh memotivasikan kanak-kanak Malaysia dan generasi masa hadapan meletakkan harga yang melampau. Sepatutnya bersyukurlah (nama bapak dia pun Sh. Shukur!) atas nikmat pi angkasa lepas. kalau calon angkasawan perempuan India tu pergi angkasa lepas, mungkin dia tak demand macam Sheikh ni. Dahla dapat anugerah Datuk, sifat tamak menguasai diri. Sedih...
Zul Sri Hartamas
I almost puked when I read Hishamuddin Aun's column in the Berita Harian today. He is now ass-licking Najib. A few months ago, this was the same guy who was going around telling people that Rosmah Mansor was the real Deputy Prime Minister, not Najib. A few weeks ago when one of his editors asked him who was going to be made Group Editor-in-Chief of NSTP, this is what Hishammuddin Aun said:
"Rosmah will be making that decision".
Come on lah brother Hisham time to let go and leave lah. They won't charge you with corruption, although there is a lot of proof against you taking money from Khir Toyo, Shahrizat, Azeez Putera and so on...and not to mention getting favours from your wife's company.
Absolutely disgraceful. Firstly, the fella was a space tourist sent at tax-payers' expense.
Now he comes back to mint money? Is that money to be declared and taxed.
I understand if it was a corporate function. but at schools?
We don't even care that the first Malaysian in space is a closet gay. That has no bearing on an accomplishment.
But minting money off a scheme he did not invest in, just sucks man!
First, it should be verified weather the allegation is correct or not.
It seems to be the "in-thing" now to buruk2kan Melayu. Everything bad about Melayu now is taken as gospel truth.
Ppl who know should have the balls to stand up and reval if such is the case. Bukan nye "tokok tambah" nasi tambah like the "anonymous".
Is it not a requirement of natural justice to get both side of the story.
P/s Sheikh is a bona-fide orthopedic surgeon. In private practise, he could easily earn that RM 8K a day.
MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73
hisham aun tu apa dia tau? tulis kolum politik pun tercungap-cungap! tak dak fokus, tak tahu kepala ekor....balik tulis story lumba basikal jelah.....
1 - elok siasat dan buat penelitian. Tuduh menuduh, nafi menafi - ini semua kerja yang tak menguntungkan. Siasat dan pastikan yang mana satu benar.
2 - oleh kerana Dato JJ kawan you, tak payahlah dia nak masuk campur dalam hal ni. Dulu dia juga yang sibuk ke sana ke mari nak jadikan projek ni. Sampai hari ni pun, tapak dekat Subang airport yang sepatutnya jadi tapak pamiran angkasa tak jadi apa2 pun. Saya lalu sana tiap-tiap hari ke restoran saya, saya tahu dan nampak yang berlaku sejak setahun dua yang lalu.
terima kasih
he is a celebrity now. do u know how much mawi and siti norhaliza ask for 1 or 2 songs at any function?
the problems are not with this people. it lies with those who adore and need their service.
sometimes the price is not set by them but by their agents who want some cuts also.
understand? hehe
Sebelum PRU 12 hisham dan manja menziarahi Azeen Putra kat office dia. Tuhan saja yang tahu apa mereka dapat.
Chis Hisham. Aku ajar kau tulis berita dulu. Sekarang nak eksyen. Jumpapun buat tak kenal.
Dia tu layak jadi sports reporter je.
Free market. Demand and supply. Nothing wrong at all, if true.
If not true, then sue the newspaper for publishing it.
Pujangga..apa nak kisah. Mawi nyanyi dua lagi RM40,000 orang tak kisah pun. Apa pasal RM8,000 jadi isu. Yang penting mereka nak bayar..kalau tak mau bahyar, dia pun tak datang. Ini kes supply and demand. Yang komplain tu, kalau nak duit banyak, pergi lah ke bulan, balik nanti boleh bagi ceramah...banyak dapat duit.
Mata Duitan
si angkasawan pelancong ni memang lah lupa diri, tak perlu lah sesiapa nak marah sebab yang pilih dia ni pun pak lah. dia nak caj lebih, dia jawab lah kat akhirat nanti. dah la tak normal, caj lebih2, dah dapat 1 juta pun masih tak bersyukur. Si muzaphar ni sebenarnya tidak layak langsung di panggil angkasawan kalau berdasarkan pada pengamatan yang teliti......"definitly someting fishy goin on"
hmmm.... mawi n siti norhaliza nak jadi celebrity guna effort sendiri tak pakai duit rakyat...mamat ni jadi celebrity pakai duit rakyat, beb! Nak famous guna duit rakyat, lagi nak cekik duit rakyat??? tak boleh ke "bayar" balik pada rakyat? tak payah charge giler giler nak buat untung segala. Just enough to cover basic expenses like travelling and accomodation jadi la. Kesian anak anak tu. Shame on you!!!
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